The Office | Palópoli & Albrecht Advogados
Português Português          Português English         telefones +55 11 3120-3453 | +55 11 2639-8095

The Office

The Palópoli & Albrecht Advogados office was created in 2003 and since its foundation has as objective the pursuit of excellence in the provision of legal services, directly and actively participating in processes and pioneering solutions, providing personalized service with a high quality, to meet the needs and exceed the expectations of the customers.

It operates directly in São Paulo, the main economic center of Brazil, with its own infrastructure and through partner offices in other locations in the country and abroad, chosen by tradition, reliability and competence.

With modern facilities and parking for clients, the office is located in a strategic location close of Avenida Paulista, with easy access to the courts and main business centers.


All the work developed is supervised and coordinated by experienced lawyers, always discussing collegially the strategy in order to better serve the interests of clients, taking into account the ethics inherent to the practice of law. The firm is committed to providing our employees with working conditions that enable them to develop professionally and remain motivated in their pursuit of quality, by promoting training cycles, study groups and update seminars internally and externally.

The investment in vocational training begins with the trainees, who have a team that assists them in clarifying doubts and guiding their activities. Among the basic requirements for selection is the concern with culture, knowledge, ethics and responsibility. Those who stand out by their performance in the tasks can be invited at the end of its course to be part of the team of lawyers.

With the formula of meritocracy and partnership, the office seeks the best professionals and provides them with professional growth, rewarding and sharing the good results achieved.


Set in comfortable and ergonomic facilities it has several modern and constantly updated computer resources and a large library enriched with the latest examples of national and international law, all with the intention to provide well-being to our employees and better customer service.

Processes management

The office has modern physical files and digital files. It also has a process monitoring program where information is updated and reports are generated, seeking to keep the client up to date on matters of interest to him. To all it adds the insurance system of control of deadlines and commitments.

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Palópoli na Mídia

Confira as principais publicações, artigos e entrevistas dadas pelos advogados da Palópoli para os mais diversos meios de comunicação.

Últimas Novidades de Imprensa:

28/03/24 - (Português) Confira a entrevista da advogada Ester Lemes, Reportada pelo Valor Econômico

13/03/24 - (Português) Entrevista da Dra. Mayra Palópoli reportada pelo Valor Econômico

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Conheça Nossa Equipe

Para que o serviço seja sempre prestado de forma adequada, o escritório valoriza os seus profissionais - advogados associados ao escritório, graduados nas melhores universidades do país, altamente especializados e capazes.

Conheça nossa Equipe...


Our main objective is to build safe and innovative legal solutions, capable of assisting clients and attracting legal talents.


- Treat the customer as our ally, focusing on the customer's solution and business.

- Implement the highest standards of excellence and agility

- Acting with commitment and dedication

- Acting with transparency and ethics


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To receive news or send questions, criticisms or suggestions, please contact us.

Tel.: (11) 3120-3453 | (11) 2639-8095
End.: Av. Angélica, 2.220, 5º andar
São Paulo / SP